Sunday, July 17, 2011



The word spirit is now transforming into the restraint.
Tragic incidents are transforming into the routine activity.
The Governance authority is transforming into the shameless authority.
The unity is transforming into the limited and timely unity.
The act of irresponsibility and ignorance is transforming into the habituated system.
The citizens are transforming into the laymen.
The government is transforming into the ruler authority.

The word “democracy” means “rule by the people.”  The principle purpose for which the People establish democratic government are the protection and promotion of their rights, interests, and welfare. Democracy requires that each individual be free to participate in the political community’s self-government. Thus political freedom lies at the heart of the concept of democracy.

The above are very typical and very theoretical statement developed over a period of time so as to make sure that the people in state feels the sense of freedom and sense of security. They are developed to protect the nationals and citizens.

While looking to current scenario in country now, this very theoretical statements are seems only for reading, the application of its have lost its own very value.

“The government is by the people, of the people and for the people” is transforming into the “The people are by the government, of the government and for the government”

It looks like that people only choose the government and the government accept this judgment as the fundamental right to rule the state, if its so then the act of government become no more for the people but for the saving of the crown of decapitated.

The government has abdicated to its basic duty i.e. to protect the citizens.
The government has failed to give strong message for terrorism, but they didn’t fail in giving the statements.

What a dullard authority we have to run this country and why that because we don’t have an option to replace this authority or we are just negligence.
We are just irresponsible towards our very duty as a citizen, we get used to situation very early and start finding innovative way to avoid the situations.

The elementary problem is that we don’t learn from our past mistake or we don’t want to?

There is very basic and simple rule or say formula for any situation or system.


Irresponsible voting leads to

Inappropriate selection of candidate that leads to

Inappropriate formation of authority that leads to

Irresponsible work, which causes to

Violation of basic ideas behind the democracy either by intentionally or unintentionally.

The bomb blasts and other tragic incidents are presented as an event by the media for there TRP.
The very fact that the every section of our society is irresponsible in more or less manner.
The corruption, scandals and tragedy are the result of these irresponsibility, that is spreading like a disease in our society and everyone is getting affected by it, so the prevention is always better than the cure. 
Its not possible for all of us to become like The Bhagat Singh or Chandrasekhar Azad, but we can be at least some responsible to our duty.

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