Saturday, October 27, 2012

Life is a Music Box.

Life is nothing but a Big Box. No matter what we do, we always stay in that same box.

This box is very tedious & dull unless there is any beat in it, Beats of Music.

The box can be filled with any kind of music, the only thing required is to fill this empty box with great tunes.

Just like a standing tree lives on without any purpose, in same way The Box will be always empty unless we put some beats into it.

So what's this relationship between Music and Box, we can say it’s same as the relationship between adventure and life. Just like adventures energize our lives in the same way music keeps this dry box with full of fun.

The music in this box should come from inside, from deep inside the box. Open your box, see if you can find any melody in it and see how many colors of music we have in our life.

Music should not only confine to our own box, borrow some beats from others' box, fill others' boxes with your melody. Don’t cover your box unless you have experienced all kinds of music, which is almost impossible so it’s better not to try.

We all are great composers, we don’t need to find the right tune, it automatically falls in line with our way.

Music may be melodious, annoying, irritating, and romantic; no matter what kind of music its only requirement is to have a music which reaches every corner of the box.

A box which is full of great music is equivalent to a roller coaster ride which never stops and keeps you always on your toe for another great thrill.

Let the beat of the music come from every corner of the world, capture them in your box and remix it well in your box.

Let the box feel  the vibration of great beats, let every beat thrill your life. Let the movement of music originate from deep inside of the box and reach your soul.

Music is the dawn of one's life where darkness always tries to dominate the box.

Music keeps changing and the only thing that remains constant is a box, instead of adopting someone else box, let's play our own music and compose new tunes for our box.

This box is very limited and for only a short time, don’t wait for someone else to fill it. The box might get closed  but the music never stops and never ends. Listen to beats of life, it’s there in your box, the only thing required is to open it and let the music rock your life.

Ajay R. Yadav

 “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” Plato 

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