Monday, July 30, 2012

Story of Mother India

Story of Mother India.

Country of Great Rivers still cries for water, people suffer because of water scarcity.
Termed as Mother still country of dead infant girls.
Country of Agriculture still farmers attempting suicide.
Country of All religions still communal riots.
Country of Ancient values, oldest culture & education still we require Right to Education.
Country of Leaders turned into the Followers.
Country of Great Teachers still lack of Learners.
Country of Emperors still 33% below poverty line.
Country of Great Freedom Fighters still violation of basic human rights.
Country where Politics originated, but not of this kind.

It’s just not a story of another developing country. Its story about the Bird, a Golden Bird who turned into Featherless Bird.
It is not just about the tragic journey or glorious past, but sorrowful present.
There is a bright side, but the Dark Side has taken over it.
Brightness is not enough, removal of darkness is call of the hour.
T-Shirt generation needs to be transformed into the youth generation.

Everything is in the East so why look to the West.
India has always been termed as Mother because it serves all people equally and has welcomed everyone with open heart.
But there is one more side of mother India, mother always bears all the difficulties for her kids, face whatever comes on her way to protect and feed her children.
Just like this our country has always faced attack from invaders and internal forces, but it still strives to fulfill the need of its children (Citizen).

Everyone wonder what this land provide us, I wonder what we provide to our land.
It has given us place to stay & grow, isn’t that enough?
We as children of this country, what is our responsibility towards this Mother Land?
Answer is very simple just being loyal toward it.
Last thing a Mother would want is betrayal from her own kids.

Our mother has already bore too much, let’s not make it even hard for her.
How can we forget our first step, where we grown, where we played, where we learned and where enjoyed all the moments of our life.
Whenever a kid sees its mother first time he subconsciously recognize Her, just like that when we first set our feet on this land we know this is our land, our own motherland and this is where we belong.

This is a place where everything started in the world for the first time, let’s not stop here.
In India there is more than 33 crores Gods and we worship them all in one way or other way, so it means that everyone here is multi-millionaire.

"If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India."
Romain Rolland, French scholar.

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
 The Shawshank Redemption

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